
[2009] [欧美] [剧情] [BD-720P] 野性欧洲/欧洲自然写真 Best.Of.Europe.London.And.Beyond.2009.720p.BluRay.x264-playHD 3.23GB


【译 名】: 野性欧洲 / 欧洲自然写真

【片 名】: Wild Europe

【导 演】:

【编 剧】:

【主 演】:

【时 长】:

【评 分】: 8.3

【上映时间】: 2005-02-15

【国 家】: 英国

【语 言】: 英语

【影片类型】: 纪录片

【影片简介】: 穿越热带沼泽、冰河期和失传已久的古文明,节目将进行一趟不可思议的旅程,体验丰富多彩、高潮迭起的欧洲大陆传说。 这趟动人心弦的壮阔史诗之旅,将带领你回到远古时代,展现令人惊叹的独特世界。大陆板块的剧烈冲撞和火山爆发曾使它天摇地动,它还曾经遭到大海吞没,也曾变成炙风吹袭的一片荒漠,不断地受到时间、自然力量和生态变化的刻凿雕塑。 到远古佛罗伦萨的侏罗纪公园一游,见识变得像撒哈拉沙漠般的圣彼得堡,探访隐没在葱郁原始雨林中的巴黎和柏林...探索这些陌生又熟悉的自然恢宏遗迹如何永续存留下来。 欧洲自然写真融合了先进动画科技重建,以及跨越时空的空中景观摄影,将这套让人惊心动魄的自然演进史节目完美的呈现在你眼前,保证让你看得惊叹不已,大呼过瘾! 第一集:肇始之初 第二集:冰原大地 第三集:征服自然 第四集:全新纪元


Length..............: 1h 11mn
Video...............: 1280x720 (X264 @ 23.976fps)
Bitrate.............: 6440Kbps
Audio...............: AC3 192 Kbps
Language............: English
Subtitles...........: N/A
Genre ..............:  | Documentary

Best of Europe: London & Beyond offers four 26-minute segments that focus on prominent tourist destinations within the British Isles. Hosted by Rudy Maxa, a longtime consumer travel expert and former host of "The Savvy Traveler", the show offers a glimpse of the best attractions at each location and tips to make your stay a little easier. In addition to the informative narrative provided by Maxa, we're given occasional text-based pop-ups that provide specific travel recommendations regarding accommodations and entertainment. The following list includes the title of each episode:

Episode 1 : London

Savor London's traditional sights such as Buckingham Palace and the
Changing of the Guard, and pop in to see where Charles Dickens penned
Oliver Twist. Contemporary London comes into view from atop the London
Eye observation wheel and at the Tate Modern Art Museum.

Episode 2 : Bath & South Wales

Conjure a bit of magic with a visit to the Georgian City of Bath and
follow tales of Camelot into South Wales. You'll marvel at ancient Roman
spas and peek into the high society of Jane Austen's day. The landscape
of Wales' Wye River Valley offers a wealth of scenic riches.

Episode 3 : Edinburgh & Scotland

Climb the ramparts of Edinburgh's famous castle, take a spooky ghost
tour, practice your swing at historic St. Andrew's, one of the world's
most famous golf courses, try your hand at skeet shooting in the
Scottish highlands, and set sail on legendary Loch Lomand.

Episode 4: Dublin & Beyond

Discover history around every corner of Dublin, from the Guinness
Brewery and the infamous Kilmainham jail. Follow in the footsteps of
famous Irish writers on a literary pup-crawl. Outside Dublin, find
inspiration in the hillsides of Glendalough and Northern Ireland's best


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Best Of Europe London And Beyond 2009 720p BluRay x264 playHD.torrent 0 金币 17.07K 1237 次 2014-1-2

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