
[喜剧] [] [2011][美国][喜剧][监护者/疯狂监护人][BD-RMVB/1.46G][中英字幕]


【影片原名】The Chaperone
【出品公司】WWE Studios
【出品年代】2011 年
【上映日期】2011年2月18日 美国
【影片级别】USA:PG-13 (certificate #46452) | Australia:PG
【IMDB评分】4.4/10 (160 votes)
【国  家】美国
【类  别】喜剧/家庭
【导  演】斯蒂芬·赫瑞克 Stephen Herek
【主  演】保罗·莱维斯克 Paul Levesque ….Ray Bradstone
      凯文·考利甘 Kevin Corrigan ….Phillip Larue
      何赛·祖尼加 José Zú?iga ….Carlos
      凯文·兰金 Kevin Rankin ….Goldy
      伊瑟尔·布罗萨德 Israel Broussard ….Josh
      詹姆斯·杜蒙特 James DuMont ….Stanley
【影片长度】103 Mins
这是一部喜剧电影,主演保罗·莱维斯克就是在WWE界鼎鼎大名的Triple H。讲述一名曾被判刑过的父亲陪伴他女儿参加学校组织的学生实地考察旅行,但他的前搭档又找上门来,在旅途过程中发生的种种爆笑事情。
Ray Bradstone (Levesque) is the best wheel man in the business, but he is determined to go straight and be the best parent he can be to his daughter, Sally (Winter), and make amends with his ex-wife, Lynne (Gish). As Ray struggles to find honest work, his old bank-robbing crew, led by Phillip Larue (Corrigan), offers him one last job. He agrees at first, but changes his mind at the last second leaving the crew without a driver. Ray decides instead to serve as a chaperone for Sally’s school field trip. When the robbery goes awry, Larue blames Ray and chases the school bus all the way to the Museum of Natural History in New Orleans. Ray must deal with Larue, while supervising Sally’s class on what becomes one of the craziest school trips ever.

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监护者.torrent 0 金币 63.41K 4086 次 2011-6-12

发帖时间:2011-06-12 08:45:46   |   回复数:24